SDMI Survey
Survey is closed - Results from user survey is now available.
The SDMI survey has been published and is available to all to take. This survey is directed to those who utilize digital imagery and/or elevation data in their operations, and includes technicians and managers alike. If you have taken a prior draft version of this survey before, please take the time to complete this particular survey. We will be conducting follow-up on this survey. Your efforts will lead to better data upon which to base important decisions regarding SDMI. The survey is available at the following link:
This survey is very important to the SDMI project, as it will enable us to collect the data upon which to assess the need for digital imagery and elevation data, including resolving questions as to what resolution of data is most suitable for SDMI.
Please direct any questions you may have to the following email address. If you are having any problems with the survey, again, please direct these to this email.
Continue Reading…Posted by admin on Mar 06, 2008