June 2nd: Alaska SDMI Imagery Whitepaper Final v2.3.1
update v2.3 -> v2.3.1 : June 2nd
whitepaper v2.3 posted : May 27th
The Alaska Statewide Orthoimagery Workshop was held March 2 - 3, 2009 at the Hilton Anchorage Hotel in Alaska. The goals of the workshop included:
- Learn about potential solutions from data providers
- Review requirements for an improved, statewide Alaska orthoimage
- Summarize options and assess potential solutions
- Make recommendations for next steps.
Respected orthoimagery expert Russ Cowart of I-cubed lead the workshop and attendees will be able to review a draft of the whitepaper summarizing outcomes of the SDMI analysis of orthoimagery alternatives. Representatives from the major imaging vendors presented their solutions. Multiple case examples of orthoimagery used in Alaska were presented. Finally, an open discussion forum will review the pros and cons of the options.
The workshop agenda is available here.
Some vendors and users have asked what the areas of interest are in the state, for reference we put up a page just for the SDMI AOI map.
Imagery Workshop Presentations
if presented and your presentation is not listed here but you would like it to be please contact us
- Day 1 Presentations
- Day 2 Presentations
- Day 1 Review - Russ Cowart
- IFTN for AK - Vicki Lukas
- NRCS Business Case - Ted Cox
- Building Statewide Imagery Solutions - David Lewis, Sanborn
- DEM Component of Orthoimagery - Dave Maune, Dewberry
- Alaska Considerations involved in Imagery Acquistion - Tony Follett, Aero-Metric
- GRS Business Case - John Koltun
- Workshop Summary - Russ Cowart